How to Write Cold Emails That Get Results

Published on: 15 Dec 2024By Samridhi

Do you keep on sending cold emails to your clients and wonder if they just disappeared into the blue? If yes, then you need to change your strategies in order to grab the attention of your receivers with just a few words. Using these strategies, you can achieve reply rates of 30%, 40%, or even 50%.


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In this article, we are going to explore some groundbreaking formulae that will help you scale your business and take it to another level. We will focus on some key points like personalization, relevance, and research that play a major role in determining whether your e-mail will go in the inbox or land up in the spam. So, let us begin!


The PC Formula:


This simple structure can do wonders when it comes to crafting just the right cold emails that your recipients resonate with. This powerful framework works by recognizing the specific problems called Pain Points (Paino), which depicts the effort put in to understand their problems and challenges. This allows the client to be connected and understood, which urges them to open the e-mail. Call to Action is the next step, and it prompts them to take the intended action as soon as possible. This kind of an approach creates more engagement and increases the chances of more meaningful responses.


  1.      1. Piano:
    • You need to start with the specific challenge or pain point being faced by your client.
    • By doing this you ensure the client that you have done your research and are truly interested in resolving their issue.


     2. Call to Action (CTA)

    • After the first step, you need to follow up immediately by providing a concise next step, such as requesting them to send feedback, scheduling a call, etc.
    • Your primary focus should be on letting them know how your solution is going to help them instead of explaining unnecessary things at length.


Why This Formula Works?

    • Relevance: The needs of the recipient are understood at a deeper level.
    • Precision: The Call to Action (CTA) clearly stated what next step is to be taken and prevents the chances of any confusion.
    • Personalization: The e-mail is tailored to the particular needs and demands of the receiver. 


The PEC Formula:


This structure of writing cold emails works by recognizing the goals and concerns of your recipients. It starts off identifying the desire of your prospect and then moves on to building credibility by telling them the success stories of your previous campaigns. Just like the PC formula, the last step includes a follow-up call to action that motivates them to take a quick action. 


      1. Prospect's Desire:

    • You need to address the goal of your receiver so that you can instantly grab their attention.
    • Ensure them that you actually understand what they want by showing empathy to them.


      2. Evidence:

    • Give them a strong proof that your solution will actually work for them. For this you can tell them about your earlier clients who were satisfied with your work.
    • This creates trust and credibility between you and the prospect.


      3. Call to Action:

    • Take the next and final step by requesting they take an action that aligns with their interests.
    • Make sure that the instructions provided by you are easy to follow.


Why This Formula Works:

    • Relevance: This formula ensures that your solution resonates with the ideas and goals of the prospect.
    • Credibility: By giving them evidence, you eliminate the chances of any uncertainties or doubts.
    • Actionable Outcome: The last step makes it easy for the receiver to take the right action.


The PPC Formula:

Using this formula, you can have a smart approach for writing cold emails by first catching the attention of your prospects and then driving the responses. As in the case of the PC formula, it starts off by identifying their particular issue and then goes on to intriguing them by giving only a part of the solution away. The last step, being the same as the other two, includes motivating them to take an intended action.


       1. Pain Point:

    • Start off by recognizing the challenges and issues of the recipient.
    • Make sure that you highlight this pain point" to let them know that you understand the issue.


       2. Partial Solution:

    • Give them a small insight into how you intend to resolve the issue being faced by them. 
    • This creates curiosity and encourages them to take the next step.


       3. Call to Action:

    • This is when you give them the entire solution, such as scheduling a call.


Why This Formula Works:

    • Engagement: The second step is unique to this structure and works by intriguing the receiver.
    • Action Oriented: The Call to Action motivates them to learn about the entire solution.


By using these formulas, you can ensure that your cold emails do not land up in the spam of your recipients. Compelling subject lines, a visible online presence, and personalized solutions can elevate your e-mail campaigns and help you scale your business operations.


One of the examples of successful business models utilizing these strategies is Seefunnel. It effectively uses the above mentioned formulae to drive the growth of its e-mail campaigns. Sign up today on Seefunnel


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